The short answer is simple: he wasn't arrested because his self defense claim seemed plausible.
Consider the followinbg: If I were on top of a man thirteen inches shorter than me (he would be about four feet seven) and I was beating him bloody and he managed to pull a pistol from his w...aist band and shoot me. I doubt I would have been portrayed as a "victim" of murder-even if I were unarmed and toting Skittles.
(Skittles, of course, are the left’s badge of childhood and innocence)
And conversely, if I were beaten bloody by a man thirteen inches taller than I (he would be about seven foot two) I would shoot him if I had a gun.
Its common knowledge that an unarmed man can kill a much smaller person with his bare hands .
That’s why we have weight classifications in pro boxing. Men have been beaten to death by men the same weight wearing gloves. The fact martin was unarmed is not controlling in this situation.
Neither are the skittles…A big man (or "boy") can kill a smaller man without a weapon.
Six Foot three inch tall, Joran Vandersloot broke a Peruvian woman’s neck with his bare hands in his hotel room. Had the woman, who was much closer to Mr. Zimmerman’s size, had a gun, perhaps Joren Vander Sloot would have been dead, and she then would have been accused by Joran’s grieving mother of “murder”? Yep! Simple fact, she shot him, he’s dead, it’s “murder.”
That’s how the masses of sheep are assessing this situation.
It’s important to note however, the gun was not used by Zimmerman until after he was attacked by someone must larger than himself, and he fired only one shot.
If he were crazed and angry he might have emptied the gun into his "victim".
Instead he shot once and waited for the police, told them his version of what happened, they subsequently hand cuffed him, took his gun, and questioned him and eventually released him.
Possible self- defense shootings take a much longer time to investigate for obvious reasons...the police are getting a bum rap from millions people who do not know jack squat about what their findings are, or what the evidence collected at the scene reveals, or what the eye witness told the police. Remember the investigation is ongoing. It cannot be totally resolved after an hour at the scene.
Also, police are not free to blab everything they know on FB like the rest of us...who post what we "think* we know... or what Rev Sharpton tells us.
They have to be careful in making public announcements, and when they do they are usually very terse, factual, and brief-with no follow up questions are answered. That’s sop
Is Zimmerman a racsit? Read the following link:
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Can't the media be fair and also honest once in a while?
ABC showed an apparently childhood photo of the 6' 3" football player, Trayvon Martin, juxtaposed to a larger head shot of the 5' 2" neighborhood watch captain, (who by the way was
not "self appointed" as the media falsely asserts. )
The deceptive photos made Zimmerman appear to be larger,
and much more formidable than Martin. It is shamefully misleading.
The media has uniformly characterized the 6' 3" football player, Martin, as a" boy" and stressed that he was unarmed and carrying only skittles.
(Skittles are the political left's badge of childhood innonence, and totally irrelevant to Zimmerman's claim that Martin attacked him and that he shot Martin in self defense.)
Now,we find out Zimmerman was seen on the ground by an eyewitness being pummeled by a much larger man and Zimmerman was crying out for help.The witbes said he woukld call 911. He apparently was afriad to try and pull the angry 6 foot three, footbal player, Trayvon off of Zimmerman.
Then, a shot was heard by the witness, who looked out his window and saw Martin face down on the ground, apparently dead or moribund.
The police arrived, disarmed Zimmerman, (who made no attempt to flee before they arrived) handcuffed him, and found that his face was bleeding, the back of his head also bleeding, and grass on the back of his clothes. They also attempted unsuccessfully to resuscitate Mr Martin.
The facts reported by the police tend to corroborate Zimmerman's claim that Martin attacked him and that he shot Martin from the ground one time, to get Martin off of him.The ballistics show powder burns on Martin's chest indicating he was facing Zimmerman and was extremely close to him. The trajectory of the bullet was in an upward direction consistent with the witness who said Martin was on top of George Zimmerman.
That is why the decision was made not to arrest Zimmerman pending further investigation. His claim of self defense was credible. Some of course maintain Zimmermanshould have been drug tested.
(as though being under the influecne would be an aggravating rather than mitigating circumstance.)
Moreover Florida requieres officers to have probable cause that a crime was committed beofre they arrest a person. To do otherwise woud subject them to liability.
In any event, can we reasonably blame Zimmerman for "overreacting"? Or using "excessive force"?
Only if we can offer another realistic course of action which would allow for five foot two inch tall Zimmerman to get six foot three inch Martin to stop beating him, and let him leave peaceably. Had Zimmerman attempted the impossible and tried to physically overpower and restrian the much larger, stronger, and more athleticMr. Martin, it would have further enraged Martin, and possibly incraesed the likilhood of an even more severe beating..
The most important legal question of course, is was the shooting justifiable self defense? Or maybe involuntary manslaughter? Or simply cold blooded murder?
It's not a simple open and shut case as Mr. Sharpton, and Mr. Jackson and the liberal media and hysterical celebrities want us to believe.
Some argue Zimmerman forfeited his right to self defense by following, and thus ostensibly provoking Martin to violence. (He was looking for trouble and found it) they "reason."
But that is not an accurate statement of the law in any of the 50 states, except for Rhode Island, where there is a legal obligation to even flee your own home if an intruder breaks into your home-in that progressive Mecca-if you have a back door, or any other means of egress by which the homeowner may avoid the intruder.
Some would like to see the Rhode Island "abandon your home, leave it to the intruder, and run for your life" law mandated everywhere.
Fortunately, Florida is not Rhode Island and a person in Florida has a right to defend themselves from physical violence.
In Florida we cannot beat someone bloody simply because they are an obnoxious busybody, nosy,
or even if they are following us. If that were the case, it would be open season on aggressive reporters, aggressive celebrity photographers, and so on.
The Florida so-called "stand your ground" law is moral, and just. But it did not cost Martin his life. His decision to pummel a man 13 inches shorter than himself, was the cause.
At five feet nine inches tall, if I were to beat a man thirteen inches shorter than myself, he would have to be about four feet seven inches tall, and who could blame him for being afraid of grave physical harm and shooting me?
It is entirely reasonable to believe that Zimmerman, regardless of bad judgment, feared grave personal injury or possibly death, and was unable to get away from the 6 foot three, athletic football player, or stand any realistic chance of physically fighting him off. Tender age of 17 notwithstanding.
I am seven inches taller than Zimmerman and I too would have been unwilling to try and fist fight with Travon Martin, or try to outrun the strapping athlete. Not at least if had a firearm, and a
legal justification to use it in self defense.
not "self appointed" as the media falsely asserts. )
The deceptive photos made Zimmerman appear to be larger,
and much more formidable than Martin. It is shamefully misleading.
The media has uniformly characterized the 6' 3" football player, Martin, as a" boy" and stressed that he was unarmed and carrying only skittles.
(Skittles are the political left's badge of childhood innonence, and totally irrelevant to Zimmerman's claim that Martin attacked him and that he shot Martin in self defense.)
Now,we find out Zimmerman was seen on the ground by an eyewitness being pummeled by a much larger man and Zimmerman was crying out for help.The witbes said he woukld call 911. He apparently was afriad to try and pull the angry 6 foot three, footbal player, Trayvon off of Zimmerman.
Then, a shot was heard by the witness, who looked out his window and saw Martin face down on the ground, apparently dead or moribund.
The police arrived, disarmed Zimmerman, (who made no attempt to flee before they arrived) handcuffed him, and found that his face was bleeding, the back of his head also bleeding, and grass on the back of his clothes. They also attempted unsuccessfully to resuscitate Mr Martin.
The facts reported by the police tend to corroborate Zimmerman's claim that Martin attacked him and that he shot Martin from the ground one time, to get Martin off of him.The ballistics show powder burns on Martin's chest indicating he was facing Zimmerman and was extremely close to him. The trajectory of the bullet was in an upward direction consistent with the witness who said Martin was on top of George Zimmerman.
That is why the decision was made not to arrest Zimmerman pending further investigation. His claim of self defense was credible. Some of course maintain Zimmermanshould have been drug tested.
(as though being under the influecne would be an aggravating rather than mitigating circumstance.)
Moreover Florida requieres officers to have probable cause that a crime was committed beofre they arrest a person. To do otherwise woud subject them to liability.
In any event, can we reasonably blame Zimmerman for "overreacting"? Or using "excessive force"?
Only if we can offer another realistic course of action which would allow for five foot two inch tall Zimmerman to get six foot three inch Martin to stop beating him, and let him leave peaceably. Had Zimmerman attempted the impossible and tried to physically overpower and restrian the much larger, stronger, and more athleticMr. Martin, it would have further enraged Martin, and possibly incraesed the likilhood of an even more severe beating..
The most important legal question of course, is was the shooting justifiable self defense? Or maybe involuntary manslaughter? Or simply cold blooded murder?
It's not a simple open and shut case as Mr. Sharpton, and Mr. Jackson and the liberal media and hysterical celebrities want us to believe.
Some argue Zimmerman forfeited his right to self defense by following, and thus ostensibly provoking Martin to violence. (He was looking for trouble and found it) they "reason."
But that is not an accurate statement of the law in any of the 50 states, except for Rhode Island, where there is a legal obligation to even flee your own home if an intruder breaks into your home-in that progressive Mecca-if you have a back door, or any other means of egress by which the homeowner may avoid the intruder.
Some would like to see the Rhode Island "abandon your home, leave it to the intruder, and run for your life" law mandated everywhere.
Fortunately, Florida is not Rhode Island and a person in Florida has a right to defend themselves from physical violence.
In Florida we cannot beat someone bloody simply because they are an obnoxious busybody, nosy,
or even if they are following us. If that were the case, it would be open season on aggressive reporters, aggressive celebrity photographers, and so on.
The Florida so-called "stand your ground" law is moral, and just. But it did not cost Martin his life. His decision to pummel a man 13 inches shorter than himself, was the cause.
At five feet nine inches tall, if I were to beat a man thirteen inches shorter than myself, he would have to be about four feet seven inches tall, and who could blame him for being afraid of grave physical harm and shooting me?
It is entirely reasonable to believe that Zimmerman, regardless of bad judgment, feared grave personal injury or possibly death, and was unable to get away from the 6 foot three, athletic football player, or stand any realistic chance of physically fighting him off. Tender age of 17 notwithstanding.
I am seven inches taller than Zimmerman and I too would have been unwilling to try and fist fight with Travon Martin, or try to outrun the strapping athlete. Not at least if had a firearm, and a
legal justification to use it in self defense.
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